Athlete of the Month: June 2019
Steve Peterson
Steve, aka “Orange Juice” is one of the most interesting people we have met at the gym. He has so many cool stories and a ton of knowledge to pass along. Take a noon class with him or get to know him at one of our community events and you’ll understand why Steve is not only our AOM, but probably the biggest ambassador for the health benefits of CrossFit we have met. This month’s recognition is the culmination of the last year and a half that Steve has been a member and all the hard work he has put into his time at the gym; whether it is extra burpees and box jumps before class or farmer’s carries when class is over, Steve gives it his all. His dedication and passion is infectious. Congratulations Steve, we want to grow up to be like you… P.S. ask him about “Orange Juice.”
Full Name: Steve Peterson
Member Since: January 2018
“You guys can’t play” —Heckler at Sex Pistols concert
“So what” —Sex Pistol’s guitarist
I was the tenth man on a ten man basketball team in high school and my athletic career declined since then until I started CrossFit. I am grateful for the warm support and regular encouragement for over-the-hill, non-athletes like myself.
I’ve learned to breath, to double-knot my shoe laces, to enjoy the deep satisfaction of exhaustion, to avoid the sharp corners on box jumps, to experiment with mental tricks for motivation, and my blood pressure has dropped.

What does living BIG mean to you?
A second portion of dried herring.
What would you do and where would you go if time / money were not object?
I would move to a stuga in northern Sweden next to a frigid lake, read Scandinavian literature and philosophy and hike among the wild flowers.
What adventures, events, trips, races do you have planned?
A trip to Poland with my son.
What are your goals:
- Fitness: One more burpee.
- Professionally: Finishing a writing project about the Puerto Rican debt crisis.
- Personal: To discover the world’s best Russian imperial Stout
What is one thing that most people don’t know about you?
I was mistaken, twenty-five years ago, for Elvis Costello at 2:30 in the morning in SoHo, NYC, so I signed some autographs.
Words to Live By
“I’d like to be more consistently here.” —Bill Murray