Athlete of the Month: December 2019
Brian Ringley
We're excited to announce our last 2019 athlete of the month—the one and only Brian Ringley. Since joining in 2018, Brian has been a regular part of the 5:30am crew, the Murph Team training as well as achieved massive results during the 6 week challenge and our ongoing nutrition program. He was chosen for his commitment to his health and fitness and support for his fellow athletes. He aims high and actively achieves the goals that he puts in front of himself. He's a real inspiration to us and we're honored to be part of his personal journey.
Member Since: 2018
Find him at: Twitter or LinkedIn
“Make big plans; aim high in hope and work.” – Daniel Burnham
Born and raised in the Midwest, I made my way to Chicago in 2004. I tried a variety of fitness programs (kickboxing, boxing, MMA, weightlifting, personal training, yoga, HIIT) before I found CrossFit in 2013 at a different location. Due to professional schedule and moving to the Northside, I tried a home workout program for a couple of years but always missed the challenges, effectiveness and comradery of CrossFit which brought me to Windy City almost two years ago.
Training at Windy City IS a part of my life. The people, the atmosphere, the challenges and support to be better and smash whatever goals you are trying to achieve is really fantastic and something I look forward to everyday.
I was struggling with some personal, as well as professional, situations when I decided to join Windy City. My thought process was to get back to something I really enjoyed and focus on what I could control, meaning, just commit to getting up each day for the 5:30am WOD and making other healthy choices. All the benefits that come with training at WCSC, discipline, feeling of accomplishment, general sense of well-being, support system, making new friends, all helped me to better deal with the challenges I was facing, achieve my fitness goals and translated into me achieving all that I am living today.

What does living BIG mean to you?
To me, living BIG means being the best version of yourself and living your best life…both of which I am doing right now.
What would you do and where would you go if time / money were not object?
I would spend a lot more time outdoors…playing with my dogs, golfing, taking up more water sports. I would also like to volunteer more with animal shelters (probably adopt another dog or two), give my time to impoverished youths to help them learn basic life lessons and how to be successful. Also travel more and maybe get a little extra sleep each night.
What adventures, events, trips, races do you have planned?
I’m moving to Miami with my wife and two dogs which is a whole big adventure in and of itself. We will see what the future holds in my new stomping grounds, but you can count on me to participate in Murph on an annual basis.
What are your goals:
- Fitness: Overall, I just want to be healthy, happy and look good on the beach. Right now, I’m in a strength training cycle to help tackle the 9 Essential Strength Benchmarks for Men as well as improve body composition. Next year, I would like to complete Murph under 50min RX (w/ a 20lb vest).
- Professionally: My current company allows for a lot of autonomy and for me to live by the Daniel Burnham quote every day. We recently launched our South Florida office with aggressive expansion plans for the state of Florida so I will be heavily focused on helping that vision come to life for the foreseeable future. If I ever get bored with consulting, maybe I’ll partner up with Justin and open up a South Beach WCSC franchise (wink).
What is one thing that most people don’t know about you?
I held a variety of jobs (restaurants, bars, retail) throughout high school and college to help make ends meet. This taught me many of the life skills I have today regarding work ethic, finding balance, being comfortable with being uncomfortable, trying new things etc. The least favorite of these jobs was a short lived tenure unsuccessfully telemarketing grave plots by cold calling people out of the phone book on second shift from a cemetery. Talk about a life lesson on resilience!
Words to Live By
Windy City, all of the coaches and members, have had such a positive impact on my life in a relatively short period of time…and I will forever be grateful for that.