"When I came to Windy City I was all over the place. My anxiety was at its highest, I was bored/plateauing with my fitness, and going through a stressful work transition. I had zero knowledge of CrossFit except that I knew it wasn’t for me. I had spent the previous 3 years working with a trainer who helped me lose the 40lbs I had put on in college but my nutrition was a disaster. In addition, I was going to Physical Therapy weekly for chronic hip pain. While searching Google for a Nutritionist I came across Coach Sheena’s article detailing her experience with Windy City and Nova 3 Labs. It took a few months but eventually with a little encouragement from my Nova Coach and approval from my Physical Therapist, I got up the courage to walk through Windy City’s door..."
- Kelly Bourquin (@krbourquin)
November Athlete of the Month
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