“Traditionally, rucking is to put weight on your back and go for a walk. Man has been rucking forever, since we figured out that our shoulders and back are better for carrying loads than our biceps. Militaries have been rucking since their existence. Ammunition, clothing, and food don’t move themselves and you need free hands to carry a weapon. Now rucking is a social fitness, a sport, and a way of life open to any and everyone.” —@GORUCK
The Windy City Ruck Club is all about using your fitness and increasing your performance outside of the gym. Whether that be a GORUCK Challenge, a trek on the Ice Age Trail or simply being prepared for any physical or mental pursuit…The Ruck Club will have you ready.
The Ruck Club sessions—like all of our programming—are periodized and programmed. There is nothing random about this track. While generally a higher volume of training, The Ruck Club programming is constantly cycling and evolving, utilizing both high intensity and unloading phases. Programming can change often based on the group’s collective goal(s), and we're always working together to tackle the next big goal.
To put it simply, you’ll do all kinds of physically challenging tasks such as:
• Sandbag relays
• Log physical training
• Hill sprints
• Rucking (trails, dunes, city)
• Good ol' fashioned strength training
To-date, members of The Ruck Club have participated in (and/or completed) these challenges. Join us as we seek out the next big challenge to use our fitness:
• GORUCK Tough
• GORUCK Heavy (read Ingrid's LiveBIG story)
• Frozen Otter
• GORUCK Ascent (read the LiveBIG story)
This program focuses on building the following attributes:
• Camaraderie
• High Work Capacity
• Endurance
• Durability
• Mental Discipline
• Strength
• Stamina for long(er) events
The group meets at 5:30am on Mondays and 6am on Saturdays. The rest of the week, you do the programming on your own: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays.
If you’re looking for something different, ready to be part of a true TEAM, have fun and get outside…The Windy City Ruck Club is for you.
Contact us for more info
#windycitylivin #liveBIG